
About the author

At age of 8, Sebastian got his first computer. With 10, it got boring - so he started to code. At 12 he wrote the first complete simple programs, and he sold his first application when he was 14.

Sebastian made his degree as Diplom-Informatiker (FH) at the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten.

After several years working as a freelancer (Technology consulting, IT trainings, individual development) he joined Smarthouse Media GmbH in 2010 and worked there as the technical lead for all customer applications (that is, all applications that have a web frontend to be used by Smarthouse customers) until end of 2015.

Since 2016 Sebastian is doing extremely cool things with software and consulting at Thinktecture.

He still is regular speaker at international developer conferences like EKON & Basta conferences in Germany, Embarcadero's CodeRage online conference and Delphi Live! in the United States of America.

Sebastian is always on the search on how to improve his skills and how make the 'work' part of the work (that is, the not-so-fun bits) more efficient and less bothersome.

Now the legal part required for homepages / blogs in Germany:

Responsible for most of the content* on this blog is:

Sebastian P.R. Gingter
Netterstraße 6
77756 Hausach
E-Mail: sebastian [at] gingter [dot] org

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer

* this explicitly excludes content aggregated from other sources (i.e Twitter) or from other individuals than the author (especially comments).