Talks by Sebastian
Here you'll find a list of all events / conferences where Sebastian spoke about this and that:
Upcoming talks
- BASTA Spring 2020, February 27th., Frankfurt
Past talks
- BASTA 2019, September 26th., Mainz
- API & Microservice Summit 2019, June 19th, Unterhaching
- API & Microservice Summit 2018, Dezember 5th, Berlin
- IT-Tage, 10th - 13th Dezember 2018, Frankfurt/Main
- BASTA! 2018, September 25th, Mainz
- Enter.JS, June 21st 2018, Darmstadt
- API & Microservice Summit, June 11th - 13th 2018, Munich
- Munich Dot Net User Group, May 29th, 2018
- .NET Summit, April 24th 2018, Frankfurt/Main
- EKON 21, October 23th to 25th 2017, Hilton Hotel, Cologne
- BASTA! 20, September 25th to 29th 2017, Mainz
- Foren-Tage 2017, September 23rd 2017, Hamburg
- EKON 20, November 7th to 9th 2016, Germany, Düsseldorf
- BASTA!, September 19th to 23rd 2016, Germany, Mainz
- WORKSHOP: Hackschool powered by Hackerstolz, September 17th 1016, Germany, Karlsruhe
- EKON 18, November 3rd to 5th 2015, Germany, Cologne
- Delphi Tage, September 6th, 2014, Germany, Bonn
- EKON 17: November 4th to 7th, 2013, Germany, Cologne
- BASTA: September 23rd to 27th, 2013, Germany, Mainz
- JavaScript Unit Testing (Code samples). Summary of my talk (in German).
Watch the video recording of this session on the BASTA YouTube channel.
- JavaScript Unit Testing (Code samples). Summary of my talk (in German).
- EKON 16: November 2012, Germany, Düsseldorf
- CodeRage 6, October 2011
- FireMonkey and VCL United with Hydra
- Prism Unleashed (Language Features)
- EKON 15: October 2011, Germany, Düsseldorf
- Prism to Azure: Cloud applications
- Introduction to Cooper - Java & Android applications with the
- Oxygene language from Delphi Prism
- Oxygene unleashed - the language behind Delphi Prism
- Workshop: Windows applications with Delphi Prism
- Delphi-Tage, September 2011, Germany, Cologne
- A sneak peek at Project “Cooper†- The Delphi Prism Language for Java and Android
- Delphi Code Camp, May 2011, Germany, Mainz
- Full-Day Workshop: Windows Development with Delphi Prism
- Full-Day Workshop: Cross-Platform Development with Delphi Prism (Win, Linux, Mac)
- CodeRage 5, October 2010 (Embarcadero Online Conference)
- Not yet LINQed to LINQ? - How Stuff Works (Delphi Prism)
- Best of Both Worlds: Native Delphi & .NET in Sweet Harmony
- Delphi-Tage, September 2010, Germany, Berlin
- Best of Both Worlds: Native Delphi & .NET in Sweet Harmony
- EKON 14: September 2010, Germany, Darmstadt
- Mac- and iPhone Development with Delphi Prism and MonoTouch
- Delphi Prism - language specialties
- Delphi Live 2010, August 2010, United States, San Jose, California
- Best of both worlds: Native Delphi & .NET in sweet harmony
- Delphi Prism - language specialities
- EKON 13: September 2009, Germany, Darmstadt
- Aspect-Oriented programming with Delphi Prism
- Cross-Platform development with Delphi Prism
- Delphi-Tage, June 2009
- Introduction to Delphi Prism (together with Christian Stelzmann)
- EKON 12: October 2008, Germany, Mainz
- Reporting with Delphi and SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services