It is, again, the time of the year where the schedule for the conference season comes together nicely. So, without further adue, these are the conferences I will be giving talks on this year.
The conference season 2017
Foren-Tage 2017, Hamburg, Sept. 23rd
The Foren-Tage (Forum days) are an event driven by the three big German Delphi forums. I am looking forward to visit Hamburg again for that community meeting.
At the Foren Tage I will speak about the 101 of Software Quality.
BASTA! 20, Mainz, September 25th to 29th
The BASTA! is the biggest German .NET conference.
At this years BASTA I will give a session about possibilities to combine your existing .NET Desktop applications with modern web tech.
EKON 21, Cologne, October 23th to 25th 2017
The EKON is a conference focused on software developers in general.
This year I am going to talk about what Node.js can do for you as a developer and I will give a session about building lightweight web APIs using .NET Core.