How to mock HttpClient in your .NET / C# unit tests

You have a class that depends on HttpClient (or IHttpClientFactory for that matter), and want to unit test that. Since you want a unit test and not an integration test, it should not call a real http endpoint. You decide to mock out your dependency on HttpClient, and soon thereafter you got stuck. After googling 'How to mock HttpClient' you landed on this post. So, how would you mock HttpClient for your unit tests?

I give you the short answer right away: Continue reading "How to mock HttpClient in your .NET / C# unit tests"

Using versioning in your ASP.NET Core API

Why should you care about versioning your API? Well, writing a web API with ASP.NET Core is easy. Getting it in production also. But what happens when you have your API live, clients are out there consuming it, and the need arises to change something? This is, when you should have thought about versioning your ASP.NET Core web API. This article shows how to version a web API written using ASP.NET Core. It shows different approaches and explains the differences between them.
Continue reading "Using versioning in your ASP.NET Core API"