Hi, my schedule for this years conference season is quite short.
I will be speaking at Delphi-Tage in Bonn this weekend (6th of September). My two sessions there are:
- Continuous Integration: Build- und Testautomatisierung für Ihre Projekte
- JavaScript für Delphi-Entwickler: TypeScript
Additionally I will be speaking at EKON 18, 3rd to 5th of November in Cologne. Here I have three talks, and these are:
- Verteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid: Git in der Praxis
- Ey, was geht ab? - Metriken und Anwendungsanalyse
- Software Quality 101
And maybe, just maybe, I will have a short guest-appearance at EGX London, but if that is becoming true, I will post about that separately.